ouhh bangganye wehh dpt award nih hehe ;PP

TQ to dik ezzah ;DD for tag akk..teharuu gk la dpt award nih ecehh~ sbnrnye sblm nih dpt gk dr cik myza ;DD tp aku xsempat nk tgok pn kt blog sweetlens dia ;)) so tq gk myza ;DD
ouhh2 and hepy befday to myza!!

ahaa dh mmg tabiat aku,aku suke cilok gmba org ;PP
ok2,nk post psl award nih pn ade rules nye ;DD ....
Regulations to receive the award:
1) Thank and link the person that give you the award:
2) Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think they're fantastic:
yg len nnti aku cari lg ;DD
3) Contact the blogs and let they know they've won the award:
okeyh~ ;DD (haha jwpn trademark aku ;PP)
4) State 7 things about yourself:
i) i love to eat ;PP
ii) i wear braces ^_^
iii) i love my fmly and frenz ;DD
iv) i like to sleep and watch TV ;PP
v) i am a gentle yet sweet but stone-headed girl,trust me ;PP
vi) i dun like people to judge others based on their looks or past..it's not fair u know ;DD
vii) i love to online and connected to people i know,not strangers ;PP
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